Eine schöne Handtasche kann jahrelang halten. Vorausgesetzt, man weiß, wie man sie... zu kaufen

A beautiful handbag can last for years, as long as you know how to buy one.

We've all been there. We go shopping with the idea of buying something specific. At best, we end up with nothing. At worst, we come home with a whole basket full of great things, but not a single one of which is a handbag. But let's be honest, this kind of purchase isn't easy. In addition to taste, practicality also plays a role. Then again, if it were just a matter of having a carrier for small items, we'd all be walking around with them.
Coco Chanel used to say: If you want to be irreplaceable, you have to stand out. The same goes for your handbag. If you want it to work in any everyday situation, it needs to have features that suit your style and your pace of life. It has to stand out – what exactly? That's for you to decide. To help you out, we've put together a few tips to get you on the right track in your search for the perfect handbag.

Size matters

It should be easier to find a handbag that will last you years than the perfect pair of trousers or jacket, as you don't have to worry about size and weight variations. But that doesn't mean your body type doesn't matter – quite the opposite.
It's important to choose a handbag that suits the proportions of your figure. If you're on the smaller side, it might be worth holding off on the "plus size" section of the shelf. While there's nothing wrong with an oversized bag, if you want to avoid looking even smaller than you are, you might want to go for something more compact.
However, this rule doesn't necessarily apply if you're one of the taller women. A tiny handbag can create a Gulliver effect in the land of the Lilliputians, so if you don't want to end up there, go for a larger shopper bag – you can find a large selection of them here.
The shape of the bag is also important. If you want to look taller, choose a rectangular bag. Round bags are more suitable for tall and slim people.

Fashion is not a matter of taste.

It's not usually the case that we think of a handbag as a dress or a pair of trousers, but it really should be. Just like a belt or a bag, the right way to wear a handbag can make our best features really stand out.
The length of the belt is really important here. If you want to draw attention away from your backside, keep the bag at chest level. If you're in a formal situation and you don't want the interviewer to focus on your cleavage, you can extend the belt.
The way the handbag hangs can also help to balance out the proportions of different body types. For instance, pear-shaped women should make sure the bottom of the bag doesn't extend beyond the hip line, which might not benefit from the extra weight. On the other hand, if you're more of a "column" shape, you might be tempted to go for a "boho" bag with a shorter strap, which will visually enhance your curves.
Unfortunately, when choosing a handbag, you'll have to accept the same rule that applies to every other piece of clothing: there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. So find the style that suits you best and stick with it.

Should I take the handbag to work or to the car?

Next, let's look at the practical side of things: your handbag needs to suit your style and your pace of life. Before you buy a compact, sequined chain bag with just one compartment, think about whether it will fit the A4 notebook you carry with you every day. If you travel by car and your handbag is more of a combination make-up bag and cell phone case, a bulky leather mail bag might not be the best choice. The latest trend is leather backpacks – they're practical and comfortable. You can find the latest models here. This unusual handbag model might just become your new must-have.

It's the details that matter.

When you see the handbag you've always dreamed of and almost hear it saying, "Buy me," it's hard to keep a sober mind. But if you really want it to last for years, you need to turn from romantic to prudent shopper for a moment and answer a few technical questions:

Is it too heavy? A bag that already has "its own weight" when unloaded is not the best choice for your daily marathon through the city. Choose lighter models - your spine will thank you.

Is the strap adjustable? Handbags with stiff handles tend to look nice, but the lack of an adjustable strap will put you off your first good purchase. Forcefully pulling up a bag that slips off your shoulder is no fun, especially when you're holding a heavy net in each hand.

Does the way it's made suggest durability? Look at the seams and connections. Pay particular attention to where the strap is attached. Think carefully before buying a bag where the fastenings or appliqués are glued, as there's a high risk of them coming off.
Armed with this knowledge, you can start looking for the perfect handbag. We can also answer the question "Where?" - here you will find a large selection of heartbreakingly perfect handbags .

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A woman's mind is as complex as the contents of her handbag; even when you get to the bottom of it, there is ALWAYS something at the bottom to surprise you!

Billy Connolly

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