Collection: Leather bags made from Italian leather

We are pleased to introduce a new collection of exceptional women's leather handbags and backpacks. These hand-sewn vintage-style women's handbags are made with passion and commitment in small, local manufactories in Italy, where the knowledge of craftsmanship is passed down from generation to generation. This makes each handbag unique and one of a kind.

We are constantly expanding our selection of women's leather handbags. You will soon find large & small, high-quality leather bags for women. Handmade shoulder bags, backpacks, shoulder bags & crossbags made of leather, pouch bags for women. Handbags, shopping bags, mobile phone cases, belt bags & fanny packs made from 100% genuine Italian leather in black, beige, brown and/or colored.



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Valid from a purchase value of 200 € on all leather bags . Cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts. Not valid on already reduced goods. Can only be redeemed 5 times per customer.

Coupon code: LEDEROFF2

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